Tuesday, 9 March 2021




Shankar Ananth grew up in Chandigarh, and is a management professional (for the world). But his passion lies in reading, writing, listening to, and watching great stories. He has been writing since the age of ten and his love for science fiction and all things futuristic ambitions seeps through his writings. This love is usually complemented by his love for coffee.
After years of deliberating on an idea close to his heart, he is coming out with his first novel: Utopia.

1. Who and what inspired you to write?

I have been drawing inspiration from the very first English literature books, and have been writing since I was in school. But the authors who drove story-telling in me have to be Steig Larsson, Dan Brown and Anand Neelakantan. 
2. What challenges did you face while writing and getting published? 

My genre is science fiction, which is a difficult sell for an author with an Indian name. Science fiction is a relatively new space for authors in India, and it will also be a chance. Very glad that Locksley Hall Publishing proved to be the bravest of the lot. 
 3. How did you come to know about the literary agency THE BOOK BAKERS? 

I came to know about The Book Bakers online. I was researching about popular literary agents, and Suhail’s name came up. 
4. How did THE BOOK BAKERS help you and what would you like to say about them ?

 I have great respect for The Book Bakers. Taking a chance on a new author is very adventurous, especially when the genre is new. Suhail gave me great advice when I was steering off in the wrong direction. Given how much effort I have put into writing Utopia, it means a lot to me to know that the book sees the light of the day. 
5. How supportive is your publisher of your work? 

Locksley Hall Publishing has been very supportive of my literary pursuit. They have read through the book and gave me great pointers to make it better. Keeping in mind that this is an untested area, LHP’s support has meant a lot to me
6. How do you see literary success for yourself? 

While sky is the limit for success, I would love to see the book and its new concepts gain cultural acceptance, which I would see as success. 
7. When can we expect your next book? 

If all goes well, in another couple of years
8. How has your experience being working with Locksley Hall Publishing ? 

It has been awesome. I love the fact that they are accommodative of changes and put authors first
9. Any message or tips for aspiring authors? 

Just the following - Never lose hope, and let the ideas flow. 



How plausible is it that evolution, an inherently biological process, be governed by a mere human thought in the future? Can one dominant ideology have the power to not only alter the way we live, but also the way our species grows?
This story explores one such possibility.
The book involves four parallel stories in alternating timelines of people, who both knowingly and unknowingly, are involved in shaping the human future. The people in these four stories, wound together by an experiment trying to alter the very nature of human consciousness, risk their lives to protect what they believe in, and their loved ones. But what consequences does this experiment have? Is the human race really so fickle to be altered by a mere ideology? And if it were for the greater good of our species, are a few sacrifices worth it?

About the Author

NEWS OF BOOKS / Author & Editor

21, student of MA English is an avid reader and is passionate for writing and blogging. Her first article was published when she was 12. She is a contributing author in many anthologies.


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