माला शर्मा का जन्म 17 नवंबर 1957 को सोनीपत , हरियाणा के एक गाँव में हुआ । स्कूली शिक्षा गाँधीवादी विचारधारा से प्रेरित बनस्थली विद्यापीठ ,जयपुर ,राजस्थान से हुई । बीए दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से टूरिज़्म में किया । एम ए हिंदी इग्नू से की । हिंदुस्तानी शास्त्रिय संगीत में भी योग्यता प्राप्त की।
अनेक वर्षों शिक्षिका रहीं और नुक्कड़ नाटक , नृत्यनाटिकाएँ एवं रेडियो के लिए कहानियाँ लिखीं । कविताएँ एवं कहानियाँ , मैग्ज़ीन और ब्लाग के लिए लिखती रहती हैं ।
1. Who and what inspired you to write?
While writing nukkad natak , plays and dance drama’s for children during my teaching career I developed interest and started writing Blog and Radio stories .
2. What challenges did you face while writing and getting published?
Writing is always a fun and relaxing for me. While getting my book published I faced two major challenges . It is difficult to get a publisher for publishing a novel in Hindi and that too for the first time .
3. How did you come to know about the literary agency THE BOOK BAKERS?
My son Aditya Gautam published his book through THE BOOK BAKERS and he introduced me to them .
4. How did THE BOOK BAKERS help you and what would you like to say about them?
They found a good publisher for me.They coordinated everything with the publisher to get my book published. They even helped me in getting my book cover prepared . This cover is very beautiful and is the main attraction of the book. It has been appreciated by one and all . They took care of all my hassles of publishing my book.
5. How supportive is your publisher of your work?
They were very supportive and helpful .
6. How do you see literary success for yourself?
Its an amazing journey . When your hard work and creation comes in the form of a book and is appreciated by the readers it gives an immense feeling of fulfillment .
7. When can we expect your next book?
Any time soon .
8.How has your experience being working with Locksley Hall Publishing ?
It has been a good experience working with them.
9. Any message or tips for aspiring authors?
An author has a responsibility towards society . While writing anything he should ponder about what kind of message he/she is giving to the society . Because the readers are influenced by the stories they read, listen or watch.
“मिसेज जोशी की डायरी” एक आम औरत का सफ़र है । वो जिन रास्तों से गुज़रती रही उन रास्तों को अपनी ज़िंदगी का हिस्सा बनाती गई । इसमें ज़िंदगी के अनुभव जो मैंने जीए , जो हर लड़की जीती है लेकिन आवाज़ नहीं बन पाती । ज़िम्मेदारियाँ और रिश्ते निभाते-निभाते वो अक्सर अपना वजूद खो बैठती है । उसके भीतर की बच्ची ,उसके सपने ,धरती में दबे बीज की तरह दबे ही रहते हैं ।
उसके भीतर का संघर्ष चलता ही रहता है । उसकी आवाज़ घुटती है, हिम्मत बटोरती है और लौट-लौट आती है ,पहाड़ों में ठहरी गूँज की तरह ।
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